Diamond certified by CIBSE for CPD accredited training


We are delighted to announce that we have been accredited by The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) to deliver Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training covering a variety of aspects relating to the design of security and life safety systems.

The training is for anyone involved in the design of security and life safety systems, including Consultant Engineers and Specifiers. The training would also benefit professionals who need to understand the design requirements of these systems, including building control officers, fire prevention officers, fire safety personnel, fire risk assessors, and local authorities.

Angela Bennett, Joint MD of Diamond explains why CPD is important: “In any profession, regular CPD is an essential way of keeping your skills and knowledge up to date. Our CPD courses take the form of a 1 hour presentation, in which we provide an update on recent changes to Codes of Practice, as well as highlighting some of the common pitfalls at design stage, based on our 30 plus years’ experience as specialists in this sector.”

Steve Snoddon, Joint MD of Diamond has over 25 years’ experience in the security and life safety industry and will deliver the technical content of the CPD training. Steve explains, “We have introduced CPD accredited training as an additional service, to help address some of the grey areas within security and life safety system design. It is important that designers fully understand the recommendations and requirements within the Codes of Practice, and applicable legislation such as The Equality Act.”

The courses are approved by CIBSE, who in reviewing the content of our course on Fire Detection Design Considerations commented,

“The presentation is high quality with lots of technical information and covers all our requirements”

Fire Detection Design Considerations

We are pleased to now invite expressions of interest for our Fire Detection Design Considerations course, full details of which can be found on the CIBSE website:


The presentation begins by outlining the relevant Code of Practice for fire alarm design, and examining the various categories of fire alarm system. We then move into Common Design  Pitfalls, and discuss the design considerations of BS5839-1 in relation to point detectors, void detection, beam detection, aspirating smoke detectors, audible and visual alarm devices, manual call points, zone plans and product selection under CPR.  The presentation concludes by looking at design certification, and also some recent changes to BS5839-6 affecting the design considerations for sheltered housing and HMOs.

Future courses will include training on Voice Evacuation Design,  and Designing Fit for Purpose Security and CCTV Systems.

If you would like to make a booking for CPD accredited training on Fire Detection Design Considerations, or to register your interest for any of our future courses, please email design@diamondsystems.co.uk.

Diamond certified by CIBSE for CPD accredited training