What is the Protect Duty?


The Protect Duty, also known as Martyn’s Law, is a forthcoming UK legislation aimed at enhancing public safety by mandating certain venues and events to adopt measures to mitigate the risk of terrorist attacks. Named after Martyn Hett, who lost his life in the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, the legislation seeks to ensure better preparedness and protective security in public spaces. Twenty-two concert-goers and parents who were in the entrance waiting to pick up their children following the Ariana Grande show, lost their lives in the bombing, with a further 250 people injured. It was the deadliest act of terrorism and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings.

Who It Impacts

The Protect Duty impacts various public venues and events across the UK, including Northern Ireland, and is divided into two tiers:
1. Standard Duty: Applies to venues and events with a capacity of 100 to 799 people. These premises must conduct basic terrorism risk assessments and implement simple, low-cost security measures. Staff must also receive training on responding to terrorist threats.
2. Enhanced Duty: Applies to larger venues with a capacity of 800 or more. These locations must undertake comprehensive risk assessments, develop and maintain detailed security plans, appoint designated security personnel, and implement extensive protective measures.

Implementation Timeline

The draft bill was published in May 2023 and is expected to become law by the end of 2024. Once enacted, it will impose new mandatory security requirements for applicable public venues and events. Diamond Systems are already working with a number of venues in Northern Ireland to ensure they are prepared for the law coming into force.

Implications for Premises Owners and Businesses in Northern Ireland

Businesses and venue operators will need to:
– Conduct regular terrorism risk assessments.
– Provide terrorism protection training for staff.
– Develop and implement security plans tailored to their venue’s size and type.
– Appoint designated security personnel for high-capacity venues.
– Ensure compliance with the law to avoid penalties, which may include fines and other enforcement actions.

Importance of Adequate CCTV

Adequate CCTV systems play a crucial role in fulfilling the requirements of the Protect Duty by:
– Enhancing real-time surveillance and monitoring of public spaces, helping to detect suspicious activities early.
– Providing valuable evidence in the event of an incident, aiding investigations and prosecutions.
– Acting as a deterrent to potential terrorists by increasing the perceived risk of detection.

Why the Protect Duty is Being Introduced?

The Protect Duty addresses the current lack of mandatory security measures for public venues, aiming to enhance public safety in response to the evolving threat of terrorism. Its objectives include reducing the risk and impact of terrorist attacks through better preparedness and protective measures.

Challenges and Considerations

– Cost and Burden: Smaller businesses and venues may face financial and operational challenges in complying with the new requirements. The government aims to balance the need for security with the potential burden on businesses, providing guidance and support to help them comply without undue hardship.
– Regulatory Oversight: A national regulator will oversee compliance, conducting inspections and enforcing the law where necessary. The focus will be on education and support, with sanctions applied proportionately to the level of non-compliance.

Overall, the Protect Duty represents a significant step towards enhancing the security and safety of public spaces in Northern Ireland and across the UK, requiring businesses and venue operators to take proactive measures against the threat of terrorism. Adequately designed, installed and maintained CCTV systems, such as those provided by Diamond Systems, will be a key component in meeting these new security requirements.

How Diamond Systems can help

Diamond Systems, a long-standing NSI Gold accredited provider, offers comprehensive CCTV solutions that can help businesses and venues meet the requirements of the Protect Duty. Our advanced CCTV systems ensure high-quality surveillance, aiding in the proactive detection and prevention of terrorist activities. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

What is the Protect Duty?